
Table Of Contents
Expression: Specifies:
not executing for a screen preview, it looks for an image in the finals folder of the default
disk of the printer or an image in the finals folder of the local PlanetPress Design Suite virtual
disk. If the image file is on either of these locations, it is in PostScript format.
Image Name and Pathname Resolution in Dynamic Images
How does the document resolve image names and pathnames in dynamic images?
When the document executes, it evaluates the PlanetPress Talk expression. Once it has the name or pathname, it proceeds as
follows until it encounters an image file that matches that name or pathname.
1. It compares the result to the image resources in the document. Thus if you entered the PlanetPress Talk expression
for the dynamic image, the document searches its image resources for one named house.jpg.
2. It looks for an image file at that pathname on the printer disk, or on the local PlanetPress Design Suite virtual disk.
3. It looks for an image file at that pathname on the host on which it is executing.
4. It looks for an image file at that pathname on the printer on which it is executing.
5. If it cannot find an image in any of these locations, it behaves as specified in the On error option of the picture object for
that dynamic image.
The sequence the document follows to retrieve an image is important when an image by the same name exists in more than
one of the locations the document examines.
Custom Data Selections
To create a Custom data selection:
1. Open the properties dialog box for the object for which you want to create a data selection.
2. In the properties dialog box, click Data.
3. Select Custom data selection.
Create the Custom data selection using PlanetPress Talk. You can enter the selection on a single line, or divide it over several
lines, depending on the selection you are trying to create and how you define it. If you create a complex data selection, break-
ing it up over several lines can make it more readable. When you break a selection over several lines, for each line, you deter-
mine whether to terminate it with a carriage return followed by a line feed (CRLF).
Both the String to display lines and the CRLF lines accept PlanetPress Talk expressions.
Navigating, inserting, deleting and repositioning lines:
l To navigate within the Custom data selection: Use either the mouse or the ARROW keys.
l To Add a new line, hit Enter on your keyboard to add a new line after the current one, or right-click on any line and
select Custom Data Selection CRLF in the menu to insert the line at the mouse cursor position.
l To delete a line: Highlight the contents of the line and press BACKSPACE twice.
l To reposition a line: Click the line you want to reposition and use the arrow buttons on the right of the Custom data
selection area to move the line up or down in the String to display lines.
Once you are done with your custom data selection, Click OK to close the object properties and save your changes.
If necessary, step through the sample data file to verify the data selection is accurate for the record sets in the sample data
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