
Table Of Contents
PlanetPress Talk is case insensitive. Thus the following commands are all equivalent:
It is important to understand that arguments to commands are case sensitive. For example, the following command returns
Unit of Measure
Unless otherwise specified, the unit of measure in PlanetPress Talk is inch. Thus, for example, the following line of code
moves the current point to the X coordinate 1.5 inches, and the Y coordinate 2.5 inches.
Statement or Expression Evaluation
The PlanetPress Talk interpreter uses parentheses to determine the order in which to evaluate the individual parts of an
expression or statement. It evaluates an expression or statement from the innermost to the outermost set of parentheses. For
example, consider the statement:
if( (pos('BLACK', strip(' ',@(36,25,58))) > 0 ), 'old', 'new')
The interpreter first evaluates the data selection function (@), then the strip function (strip), then the start position function
(pos), and finally the if function.
strip(' ',@(36,25,58))
(pos('BLACK', strip(' ',@(36,25,58)))
if( (pos('BLACK', strip(' ',@(36,25,58))) > 0 ), 'old', 'new')
Operator Precedence
The rule that says that multiplications and divisions should be performed before additions and substractions, known as oper-
ator precedence, is not supported in PlanetPress Talk, so you should use parentheses to simulate operator precedence. For
example, if you use the equation 2 + 3 x 4, PlanetPress Talk will calculate a total of 20, but if you use the equation 2 + (3 x 4),
PlanetPress Talk will calculate a total of 14.
Apostrophes and Backslashes within Strings
If you want to use an apostrophe (‘) or a backslash (\) within a string, you must precede it by a backslash. For example:
show( 'Don\'t miss this offer!' )
The names of any variables, global functions, objects, or styles you create with PlanetPress Talk must meet the following
l Names must be unique (no two elements in a document can have the same name).
l Names cannot begin with a number, and can contain only the following ASCII characters: underscore, upper and lower
case letters of the alphabet, all digits 0 through 9. If you use an underscore in the name, it should not appear as either
the first or last character of the name as this may cause internal conflicts in the software.
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