
Table Of Contents
Note that PlanetPress Talk has many similarities to the PostScript language, and programmers familiar with PostScript should
find PlanetPress Talk easy to learn and use. This should also hold for programmers familiar with the Windows Application Pro-
gramming Interface (API).
Integrate PlanetPress Talk into Documents
You can enter PlanetPress Talk code in any of the following places in PlanetPress. Note that in all places except a text box that
accepts PlanetPress Talk code, you can use the PlanetPress Talk Editor to enter your scripts. The PlanetPress Talk Editor pro-
vides a rich set of features that make entering, executing, and debugging scripts fast and efficient. For complete information
on the PlanetPress Talk Editor, consult the PlanetPress User Guide.
Location: Accepts:
PlanetPress Talk-ena-
bled input box (any
box for which the title
or label is colored in
maroon/dark red)
A single line of PlanetPress Talk code preceded by an equal (=) sign.
PlanetPress Talk
properties of an
object, group, page,
document, or con-
A PlanetPress Talk script. You can enter the script directly in the appropriate Properties dialog box, or
using the PlanetPress Talk Editor.
PlanetPress Talk
code property of a
PlanetPress Talk
A PlanetPress Talk scripts. You can enter the script directly in the PlanetPress Talk Object Properties
dialog box, or using the PlanetPress Talk Editor.
PlanetPress Talk
properties of a par-
agraph in a text/box
A PlanetPress Talk script. You enter the script using the PlanetPress Talk Editor.
User-defined emu-
lation selection in the
Data Selector.
A PlanetPress Talk script. You can enter the script using the PlanetPress Talk Editor. Important note:
When a user-defined emulation is used with metadata, results and behavior are unknown and unsup-
ported. For instance, refreshing the metadata file may cause the document to crash and/or corrupt. For
this reason, it is strongly advised to create backup copies of your documents beforehand.
Global Function Prop-
erties dialog box
A PlanetPress Talk script that defines a new PlanetPress Talk function.
Import command in
the PlanetPress Talk
A file containing a PlanetPress Talk script. For example you can write a PlanetPress Talk script in an
external text editor, save it as a .ptk file. You use the PlanetPress Talk Editor to import and, if nec-
essary, edit the script. You can also export a script from within the PlanetPress Talk Editor, using the
Export command. This makes it easy to re-use scripts. Consult the information on the PlanetPress Talk
Editor in the PlanetPress User Guide for help importing and exporting scripts.
Define and Assign Values to Variables
You use the following PlanetPress Talk following commands to define and set variables:
Use: To:
define Create a local variable.
set Assign a value to a local or global variable.
:= Assign a value to a local or global variable.
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