
Table Of Contents
Language Reference
This section provides complete descriptions of all elements of the PlanetPress Talk scripting language.
Elements appear in alphabetical order, and each is illustrated with code samples you can try out in the PlanetPress Talk Editor
of the PlanetPress application.
Language Reference (Alphabetical)
This section contains a comprehensive reference to all PlanetPress Talk functions, variable, system objects and system var-
iables. Recall that the documentation convention for representing an optional argument to a command is to enclose the argu-
ment in square brackets.
% (procedure)
Comments out the line. This is useful for embedding documentation in your code, making it easier to read and maintain. It is
also useful during debugging, for commenting out lines of code you do not want to execute.
Comments must not appear in the first line of the script you enter in the PlanetPress Talk Editor.
% comment ….
Code Sample Example
This example illustrates comments in PlanetPress Talk code.
% Creates a new local variable named x that is an
% integer and has a value of 1. The variable is used
% in a loop
Current (system object)
This object includes a set of system variables reflecting the current state of the document. All of these variables are read-only
and therefore cannot be changed using the set command, except where noted. You can access each property individually
using the same syntax.
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