
Table Of Contents
Possible Values
Value: Description:
0 PlanetPress during document design
1 Screen Preview
2 Screen Preview for PlanetPress Image
3 Screen Preview for PlanetPress Fax
4 Printer Preview
5 Printer Hard Disk
6 Printer Memory
7 Host Computer
8 Flash Memory
9 PlanetPress Image
10 PlanetPress Fax
11 PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools
Code Sample Example
This example changes some colors to shades of gray for greater legibility on a fax.
setlinewidth(0.1) %Select a thick pen
if(&printermode=10) %If Destination is Fax
setfillcolor([5,5,5,5]) %Set fill to light gray
setstrokecolor([0,0,0,100]) %Set pen to black
%Otherwise,set fill colour to yellow
setstrokecolor([100,100,0,0]) %Set pen colour to blue
rectstroke(0,0,3,3) %Display rectangle
Script (system object)
The script system object is available in both PlanetPress Design and PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools scripting environments.
It contains properties describing the current external script.
&script is not used within PlanetPress Design and is not a PlanetPress Talk variable. It is a variable used within scripts
in JScript, VBScript, Perl or Python called from PlanetPress Talk in a PlanetPress Design Document, using the "Exec-
ScriptFile (function)" (page 484) command.
l &script.filename string
l &script.paramstring string
l &script.returnvalue string
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