
Table Of Contents
Eq (function)
Compares two expressions of any type and returns true if both are equal, false otherwise. This is the functional equivalent of
the = operator.
eq( expression1, expression2 ) boolean value
expression1, expression2
Values of any type. Both expressions must be of the same type.
Code Sample Examples
Examples 1 and 2 shows both ways of comparing two expressions.
Example 1
if( eq(&current.line, 33) )
show('Middle of page')
Example 2
if(&current.line = 33)
show('Middle of page')
ExecPage (procedure)
Executes the content of the specified document page, as if it were part of the calling page. The content of the page in this case
excludes the paper handling properties of the page. If you want to include the paper handling properties in the page execution,
see "$element (procedure)" (page 612).
The execpage() and @page() commands are equivalent.
execpage( pagename )
String value specifying the name of the page to run. The page must exist, and its name is case insensitive.
Code Sample Example
In this example, the current page executes pages 2, 3 or 4 according to a data selection. This allows you to create pages of
'subroutines' that can be called from any other page.
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