
Table Of Contents
setfillcolor([0,0,25,0]) %Sets fill colour to light yellow using the CMYK model
rectfill(0, 0, 1, 1) %Draws a light yellow square
SetImageIndex (procedure)
Associates a data value with a PlanetPress Search index term defined using the DefineImageIndex() command. Plan-
etPress Image uses this information when it generates the .PDI file it creates for each PDF file it creates.
This function has no effect when the output of the document is not a PDFfile generated through PlanetPress Image.
setimageindex( name, data )
String value specifying the name of the index term with which you want to associate a data value.
String value specifying the data value you want to associate with the index term.
Code Sample Examples
These examples illustrate setimageindex().
Example 1
setimageindex( 'PONumber', '2005')
Example 2
setimageindex( 'PONumber', @(2,24,32) )
SetLineWidth (procedure)
Sets the width of the pen used for drawing lines, boxes and other objects. When setting the line width, remember that the
exact location of the pen is on the middle of the line, with the stroke spilling over equally on both sides.
setlinewidth( width )
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