
Table Of Contents
Translate (procedure)
Offsets an object's position from its original spot on the page. The point of origin of any object is (0,0) by default. All com-
mands within an object are relative to that point of origin. Moving, or translating the point of origin allows you to reset the point
of origin within the boundaries of the object.
translate( x, y )
x, y
Measure values representing the horizontal/vertical offset, in inches, of the new point of origin within the object. These values
are relative to the current point of origin, not absolute.
Code Sample Examples
Example 1
This example moves the point of origin 1 inch right and down from the original point.
show('some text')
Example 2
This example moves the point of origin 1 inch right and down from the current point.
show('some more text')
Example 3
This example moves the point of origin back to its original position. Translate sets the new point of origin for all subsequent
commands. Consequently, translate commands are cumulative. Therefore, to restore the previous point of origin, you must
issue a translate command that negates whatever offset was previously applied.
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