
Table Of Contents
define(&numberOfItems, integer, xmlcount('/MyData/CUSTOMER/INVOICES/INVOICE/ITEM'))
for(&i, 1, 1, &numberOfItems)
&currentItemDescription := xmlget('-
Retrieves a data selection value through the structure of an XML file. This function uses a single parameter specifying the Path
of the value to be retrieved. This function returns a string. The return value is an empty string if no value is found or if the spec-
ified Element is invalid or not found.
xmlGet(path:string) string value
The XMLPath of the value you want to retrieve. The path must correspond to a single entry in the XML, thus is not a complete
XPath with regular expressions and variables.
Code Sample
These are examples of xmlGet()commands returning data from an XMLfile. Note that these will most likely not work with
your own XMLeven if you tried, as the path is completely dependent on the exact structure of your XMLData file.
define(&myVar, string, '')
&myVar := xmlget('/PLANETPRESS_DATA_FILE[1]-
&myVar := xmlget('/MyData/CUSTOMER[1]/INVOICES[1]/INVOICE[1]/ITEM[1]/Description[1]')
% This next line uses the &i variable to dynamically select an item in the invoice. Use-
ful in a repeat & overflow
% configuration, or a manual PlanetPress Talk loop through te data. Note that the var-
iable must be converted to a string.
&myVar := xmlget('-
Example 2
The following gets the number of items in an invoice, loops through each item and displays the item's description with show().
define(&i, integer, 0)
define(&currentItemDescription, string, '')
define(&numberOfItems, integer, xmlcount('/MyData/CUSTOMER/INVOICES/INVOICE/ITEM'))
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