
Table Of Contents
l The Set as Background control allows you to set a PDF sample data file as the background for the
selected document page.
l The Advanced group contains:
l The Data Capture control triggers the selected capture tool and allows to grab incoming data.
l The Convert to PlanetPress Talk control converts the selected object to a PlanetPress Talk object,
using PlanetPress Talk code.
l The Refresh Metadata control reloads the metadata file associated with the active sample data file.
(Important Note: When a user-defined emulation is used with metadata, results and behavior are
unknown and unsupported. For instance, refreshing the metadata file may cause the document to crash
and/or corrupt. For this reason, it is strongly advised to create backup copies of your documents before-
l The Managers group contains:
l The Printer Utilies control displays the Printer information dialog box.
l The Virtual Drive Manager control loads the PlanetPress Suite Virtual Drive.
l The Access Manager control loads the Access Manager, allowing to grant/remove permissions to
l The Install PostScript Font control allows to install a PostScript font into your PlanetPress Suite instal-
l The Application group contains:
l The Hex Viewer control, used to load PlanetPress Suite's Hexadecimal Viewer.
l The Image Downloader control, used to send image resources to a printer.
l The Check for updates control, used to update the current PlanetPress Design version.
l The Launch Upgrade Wizard control, used when migrating from a previous PlanetPress Design ver-
l The Document Utilies control, used to acces the Global Function Library Manager.
l The Graybar Wizard control, used to generate grabar reports.
l The PlanetPress Talk Messages group contains the Save Error Log and the Clear Messages controls,
used to interact with the PlanetPress Talk Messages pane.
l The Help tab includes the Help and Activation groups.
l The Help group contains the User Guide, the Reference Guide and the About controls, used to access
online documentation and version information.
l The Activation group contains the Software Activation and the Printer Activation controls, used to
enter activation codes for either the software or a given device.
Undo and Redo Commands
You cannot undo any move of an object or group that were performed using the mouse or shortcuts. Undo/Redo functionality
supports up to 100 levels of undo operations.
Avoid using Undo/Redo to undo or redo a database emulation. If you want to modify the database emulation, re- create the
emulation to ensure database integrity and accurate results.
To undo a command or a sequence of commands:
1. From the Quick Access Toolbar, click Undo.
2. Repeat step 1 as many times as necessary to move backwards through the sequence of commands.
To reverse the effect of one or more undo commands:
1. From the Quick Access Toolbar, click Redo.
2. Repeat step 1 as many times as necessary to move backwards through the sequence of undo commands.
The PlanetPress Design Program
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