
Table Of Contents
String value you want to convert to upper case. The string may be a mix of upper and lower case characters.
Code Sample Example
This example illustrates uppercase().
&month := uppercase( @(1,60,70) )
Counts the number of children for a specific element, according to standard XPath syntax. The return value is an integer and
always returns 0 if the specified XPath is invalid or if no value is found. The XPath is always relative to the XML root path.
xmlCount(path:string) integer value
The XMLPath of the value you want to retrieve. The path must correspond to a single entry in the XML, thus is not a complete
XPath with regular expressions and variables.
Code Sample
The following gets the number of items in an invoice, loops through each item and displays the item's description with show().
define(&i, integer, 0)
define(&currentItemDescription, string, '')
define(&numberOfItems, integer, xmlcount('/MyData/CUSTOMER/INVOICES/INVOICE/ITEM'))
for(&i, 1, 1, &numberOfItems)
&currentItemDescription := xmlget('-
Retrieves a data selection value through the structure of an XML file. This function uses a single parameter specifying the Path
of the value to be retrieved. This function returns a string. The return value is an empty string if no value is found or if the spec-
ified Element is invalid or not found.
xmlGet(path:string) string value
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