
Table Of Contents
Example 1
show(inttostr(2/2)) %Displays 1
Example 2
show(floattostr(div(4.7,2.1))) %Displays 2.2381
FieldCount (function)
Returns a count of fields in the current database record. Since all records always hold the same number of fields, this value will
not change unless a new sample data file is used. This function is only useful in database emulation mode.
fieldcount() integer value
Code Sample Example
"Field (function)" (page 540)
FloatToInt (function)
Converts a measure expression into an integer value.
floattoint( expression ) integer value
Measure value to be converted. The decimal part is rounded down to a whole number.
Code Sample Examples
These examples illustrate floattoint().
Example 1
floattoint(3.2) %Returns 3
Example 2
floattoint(11.6) %Returns 12
Get (function)
Returns an element of an array.
get( array, position ) array element
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