
Table Of Contents
Add (function)
Adds two numerical expressions. This is the functional equivalent to the + operator, when you use the + operator with numer-
ical expressions.
add( expression, expression2 ) integer, measure, currency value
expression1, expression2
Integer, measure, or currency values. Both expressions must be the same type. The returned value is set according to the
type of the parameters.
Code Sample Examples
Examples 1 and 2 show both ways of adding numbers.
Example 1
show(inttostr(2+2)) %Displays 4
Example 2
show(floattostr(add(4.7,2.1))) %Displays 6.8
BitmapWidth/BitmapHeight (function)
Returns the width or height, in inches, of a bitmap image resource, at the specified resolution.
Bitmapwidth( name, resolution ) measure value
Bitmapheight( name, resolution ) measure value
String value that specifies the name of the bitmap image resource.
Integer value that specifies the resolution at which you want to measure the width or height of the bitmap.
Code Sample Example
This example sets the variable maxwidth to the width of the bitmap 'fingerprint' at a resolution of 150 DPI, and the variable
maxheight to the height of the same bitmap at a resolution of 200 DPI.
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