
Table Of Contents
&tax_rates[2] :=32
put( &tax_rates[2], @(1,3,5) )
set( &months, ['JAN','FEB','MAR','APR','MAY'] )
set( &mustard_color,[0,20,90,16] )
set( &prices, [12.5632,18.9932,23.6651,27.0300] )
put( &imagefiles[0], 'c\\images\\sushi.png' )
Global Functions
@name (function/procedure)
Executes a global function or procedure created using the function() command.
The@ character can be the beginning of a data selection, a page call or a procedure or function call.
@functionname( parameters ) integer, measure, currency, string, Boolean or no return value
String value specifying the name of the function or procedure.
Comma separated list of parameters required by the specified function or procedure.
Function @name (procedure)
Defines a new PlanetPress Talk function or procedure. If you define a function that you want to return a value, you assign that
value to the predefined variable &result on the last line of the function definition. You call the function or procedure you
define using the @name() command. See "@name (function/procedure)" (page 562).
You can reference a global function from within another global function only if the global function you are referencing already
You cannot reference a function from within itself, so recursive functions are not possible within PlanetPress Talk.
Syntax for a function that returns a value:
function @name( arglist ): type
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