
Table Of Contents
Measure values representing the horizontal/vertical position, in inches, of the ending point of the line. When using rlineto,
these values are relative to the current point of origin. When using lineto, they are absolute values.
Code Sample Example
This example draws an empty triangle with a blue outline.
setstrokecolor([100,100,0,0]) %Set pen colour to blue
moveto(1,1) %Set starting point
lineto(1.5,2) %Draw first line
lineto(0.5,2) %Draw second line
closepath() %Close shape
stroke() %Draw shape
MoveTo/RMoveTo (procedure)
Moves the current point to the specified coordinates.
moveto( x, y )
x, y
Measure values representing the new horizontal/vertical position, in inches, of the current point. In rmoveto, these values
are relative to the current point of origin. In moveto, they are absolute values.
Code Sample Example
This example displays a triangle within a rectangle.
rectstroke(.5,.5,2,2) %Draw rectangle
moveto(1,1) %Reset current point
lineto(1.5,2) %Draw first line
lineto(0.5,2) %Draw second line
closepath() %Close shape
stroke() %Draw shape
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