
Table Of Contents
Paragraphs and Text
BeginParagraph EndParagraph (procedure)
Delimits a paragraph of formatted text.
The beginparagraph endparagraph structure can contain only the following commands: setstyle(), setstyleext(),
show(), and % (indicating a commented line). Any other command included within this structure will yield unpredictable
results. A margin() command should precede the beginparagraph...endparagraph structure, and each variable you ref-
erence within the structure must have its own procedure., as demonstrated in the second of the examples below. Also note
that the first command within a beginparagraph...endparagraph structure must be the setstyle() command.
No crlf procedures are permitted inside a paragraph structure, since crlfs are paragraph delimiters.
If you do not need to change fonts or use variables within a paragraph, it is strongly recommended you use the text object in
PlanetPress, as PlanetPress optimizes text objects to improve performance.
When a long string containing no spaces between its characters appears in the context of a show() command and the begin-
paragraph ... endparagraph() command, the line of text will not wrap. The same is true for a text object; no wrapping
occurs when a long string has no spaces between its characters.
Note that when a Text object is converted to PlanetPress Talk, an extra argument is is added to the beginparagraph end-
paragraph syntax. Ignore this argument since it is strictly for internal use.
beginparagraph( lmargin, rmargin, firstindent, align, leading,[opt, forcedwordwrap])
Measure value specifying the left margin, in inches, of the text relative to the left border of the object.
Measure value specifying the right margin, in inches, of the text relative to the left border of the object.
Measure value specifying the indent, in inches, of the first line of the paragraph, relative to the lmargin parameter.
String value specifying the text alignment within the paragraph. Possible values are 'left', 'right', 'center' and 'leftright' (for
both left and right justification of text).
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