
Table Of Contents
example, if you accept HTTPconnections from any IP, the first entry should be with the Allow check-
mark in the HTTPInput box. PlanetPress does not continue processing after it has found an "Allow" checkmark. There
is no concept of "Deny", meaning if any "Allow"permission is given, there is no way to later remove it for certain IPs or
l Messenger communications (between different part of the PlanetPress Suite)was limited to within the same Class
Csubnet. This means that PlanetPress Workflow on cannot send a job to a PlanetPress Image on This limitation has been removed in PlanetPress Suite 7.3
l HTTP, FTPand SOAPcommunication is not limited to the local subnet on any version where these plugins appear.
To modify permissions
Permissions are given simply by adding and removing options in the permission grid. Access to the services installed on this
computer is granted or denied by checking the corresponding boxes next to the listed IP ranges. For each IPrange, the fol-
lowing information is displayed:
l Host name: The name of those computers on which PlanetPress Suite software are currently installed or which have
been manually added.
l IP address: The IPaddress or IPaddress range to give permission to.
l Permissions
l HTTP Input:Grants access to send HTTP Requests to this server.
l LPD Input: Grants access to send LPD Queue jobs to this server.
l Send Job: Grants access to the selected computer or server to send jobs to PlanetPress Fax and PlanetPress
Image installed on this server.
l Send Document: Grants access to the remote computer to send new or updated PlanetPress Design Doc-
uments to this server.
l Send Config:Grants access to the remote computer to overwrite the configuration on the local PlanetPress
Workflow service
In order for the changes made here to be effective, you will need to restart the PlanetPress Messenger service. This
can be done via the PlanetPress Suite Service Console.
The SOAPtab of the Access Manager controls access from SOAP clients to local processes and SOAPprocesses. Each user-
name entered in this dialog can have access to one or more processes.
Tools and Utilities
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