
Table Of Contents
If you selected Send to file, PlanetPress Design prompts you to specify the name of the file to which you want to save
the deletion request. Once you enter the file name and click Save, PlanetPress Design saves the request as a Post-
Script file.
If you did not select Send to file, PlanetPress Design attempts to delete the specified files and/or documents from the
selected printer(s) and prints a confirmation sheet. The confirmation sheet either confirms the printer deleted the
files/documents or reports that it could not delete the file.
Printer Firmware Version
What can prevent my printer from printing PlanetPress Design documents?
Some older PostScript printers do not integrate the full PostScript Level 2 language. This may cause PlanetPress Design print
jobs to crash and the printer to display the following error message:
Error: undefined; OffendingCommand: execform.
To fix this problem, you should upgrade your printer’s firmware. If this cannot be done, you will need to disable caching in the
document options.
Control Versions of a Document
You can assign a version number to a document and increment the number each time you update and reinstall the document.
When you execute a document that uses a version number, the document verifies its version number against the one you spec-
ify in the trigger, and it proceeds with execution only if the two version numbers match.
You might use the version option in the following situations:
l You have a single document installed on several different printers, and you must update it on all printers. If you are
unable to install the updated document on all the printers, different versions of the document exist. To ensure you don’t
accidentally print a job with the wrong version of the document, you include a version number in the document. When
you send a trigger to the printer, in the trigger you specify the version number of the document you want to use. The
document checks its version number against the one in the trigger. If it determines it is not the latest version, it prints a
page reporting it is not the latest version and does not execute.
l You want to install multiple versions of a document on a printer and have a means of controlling which one you execute
at any given time.
To set the version number of a document:
1. Double-click on the Document node in the Document Structure area.
2. Click Conversionoptions and locate the version options.
3. Adjust the version options.
Use document versioning at printer level: Select to use version numbers with the document. Use the Doc-
ument version box to enter the version number for this document.
Document version: Enter the version number of the document, or use the spin buttons to adjust the value. In a doc-
ument that uses version numbers, you normally increment the version number each time you update and reinstall the
4. Install the document. You must include the version number of the document in the trigger.
To execute a document that uses version numbers:
To execute a document that uses version numbers, insert the version number of the document in the trigger, just before the
run command. The following trigger examples all execute version 3 of the document named PAY.
Trigger: Document location:
Hard drive of a printer that has a single hard drive.
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