
Table Of Contents
Document Output and Preview
This chapter will explain the different methods of outputting a document. It covers previewing and soft-proofing your doc-
ument before output, as well as printing to a printer and installing documents on a printer, from PlanetPress Design. It also cov-
ers sending a document to PlanetPress Workflow for further processing in a workflow.
It does not describe platform-specific procedures for inserting triggers, or how to create or run a PlanetPress Suite process.
Consult the Trigger and Data Capture Guide and the PlanetPress Workflow Tools User Guide, respectively, for
information on these topics.
About Previewing and Printing
PlanetPress Design is a WYSIWYG(What You See IsWhat You Get)interface, which means the result in print should be very
similar, if not identical, to what you see on the screen. You can also preview your documents using the Print Preview function
(see "Preview a Document On Screen" (page 663)), print a soft proof (see "Generate a Soft Proof" (page 670)) or a print whole
job using PlanetPress Design.
Once your design is stable, you can also send your document to the PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools in order for it to be used
in an automated workflow (see the PlanetPress Workflow Tools User Guide).
Preview a Document On Screen
It is common to preview a document often during the creation process and it is strongly recommended you preview the final
document before you install it.
When you preview a document, you preview one output type at a time. If your document contains more than one output type,
you must preview each separately. You can preview the document with all data pages, or a range of the data pages in the sam-
ple data file for the document.
An on-screen preview displays the generated document as a PDF file on-screen. The Preview command gives you two options
to generate PDFs: you can use the PlanetPress Design internal interpreter or you can use your system’s default PostScript
interpreter. Note that if you choose the second option, you must make sure that the system’s default PostScript interpreter is
correctly configured (if you are using Adobe Distiller, for example, the Output options, such as the Ask for PDF file destination,
must not be selected).
If you are previewing a document that uses dynamic images that reference external images, remember that to see the ref-
erenced images in the preview, those images must be accessible from the environment in which the preview executes. Thus
the PlanetPress Talk expression you entered in the Image box for each of the dynamic images that reference external images,
must resolve to the correct pathnames for the external images in the preview environment.
The minimum time required to run a document for a preview is approximately 10 times longer on Windows 2000 than on Win-
dows XP/2003.
Note that if you look at a document that uses one of the 35 standard PostScript fonts and that includes the Euro glyph, you are
likely to find out that although this glyph is displayed at design time it does not show up in previews. If this is the case, faxes
and archives generated using PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools will also lack this glyph. Try printing to see if the printer is able
to recognize and print this glyph.
To perform an on-screen preview:
Document Output and Preview
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