
Table Of Contents
Messages Area
The Messages area displays messages from the PlanetPress Talk Converter, and is useful when you add PlanetPress Talk
objects, or objects that include PlanetPress Talk statements to your document. Any errors the PlanetPress Talk Converter
encounters in your code, it displays in the Messages area. These include converter errors, run error messages, and any debug-
ging strings you instructed your code to output using the PlanetPress Talk outputdebugstring() command.
PlanetPress Design also uses the Messages area to report any problems it had carrying out certain operations and how it
resolved those problems (for example, opening a document that references unavailable fonts, or importing a PlanetPress
Design 3 document that used the same name for two different elements).
The type of message appears to the right of the message itself, and you can set a distinct color for converter errors, for run
errors, and for debugging strings. This makes it easier to quickly distinguish one message type from another. Notification mes-
sages always appear in black.
You can double-click a message to have PlanetPress Design display the source of the error.
PlanetPress Design clears the Messages area automatically when you open an existing document, or import an FSL form or
PlanetPress Design 3 document. You can also clear the area manually.
To find the source of an error:
l In the Messages area of the PlanetPress Design Program window, double-click the error.
To clear some or all of the messages in the Messages area:
l Right-click in the Messages area and choose either Clear all messages or a given message category (Converter
Error, Run Error, OutputDebugString, or Notification).
To save the contents of the Messages area to a file:
1. Right-click in the Messages area and choose Save PlanetPress Talk Messages.
2. In the Save PlanetPress Talk Messages dialog, navigate to the folder in which you want to save the file, enter a
file name for the saved file, and click Save.
Adding External Resources
You can drag and drop one or more files from Windows directly into any of the following areas of the PlanetPress Design Pro-
gram window: the Structure area, the Data Pane, the Page area, or the Object Inspector (when the Object Inspector is dis-
playing an image resource).
You can drag and drop any of the following file types. PlanetPress Design determines the type of file from the file name exten-
sion, and accepts specific file formats for each file type.
File type: PlanetPress Design accepts files with file name extension:
PlanetPress Design document (versions 3 and up) PP3, PP4, PP5, PP6 and PP7
Attachment PRN, PS
Sample data file CSV, DAT, DB, DBF, MDB, PDF, TXT, XML
If you drag and drop a PlanetPress Design6 document, PlanetPress Design opens that document. If you drag and drop a Plan-
etPress Design document from an earlier version, PlanetPress Design imports that document.
The PlanetPress Design Program
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