
Table Of Contents
error occurs that stops the output in PlanetPress Design, the partial job will continue to print. This is because Plan-
etPress has no way to tell Windows to stop its printing and remove the job from its printer queue.
Printing Using a Windows Driver
Can I print using a Windows driver and how does it differ from other printing methods?
PlanetPress Design lets you print your document and data using any Windows printer driver. Note that this option generates
large print files and that it therefore does not provide the same level of speed and performance as the Optimized PostScript
Stream and Printer Centric methods (the latter being the fastest and most efficient). See "Print Using a Windows Driver" (page
Generate a Soft Proof
Soft proofs are document previews that show no watermarks. Each soft proof has a maximum of 10 pages, so if your Plan-
etPress Design document has only 1 page, the soft proof can show as many as 10 records, but if your document has 10 pages,
the soft proof can show only a single record.
As with document previews, soft proofs must be generated one output type at a time. If your document contains more than
one output type, you must preview each separately.
Note that if you look at a document that uses one of the 35 standard PostScript fonts and that includes the Euro glyph, you are
likely to find out that although this glyph is displayed at design time it does not show up in previews. If this is the case, faxes
and archives generated usingPlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools will also lack this glyph. Try printing to see if the printer is able
to recognize and print this glyph.
To generate a soft proof:
1. From the PlanetPress Design Button, choose Soft Proof.
2. Select the data pages you want to use for the preview in the Data page range group.
All data pages: Select to use all data pages (or in the case of a database emulation, all record sets) in the sample
data file. It is important to understand that this refers to data pages and not document pages. The presence or absence
Document Output and Preview
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