
Table Of Contents
Perform a Batch Conversion and/or Installation
You can have PlanetPress Design perform one or more of the following in a single operation:
l Install each document on one or more printers.
l Install each document in one or more installations of a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool.
l Install each document in a PlanetPress Design iWatch installation.
l Convert each document and save it to a file, along with the PostScript code for installing the document on the printer.
l Save the PTZ (or PTK) version of each document to a file.
To start a batch conversion and/or installation, from the PlanetPress Design Button, choose Batch Send To.
To use the Batch Send To wizard
l In the Introduction screen, simply click Next >>.
l In Select Documents, select the documents you want to convert and/or install. To add a document, simply browse
to its location on the left and drag it to the right part of the screen. Click Next >>.
All of the subsequent conversion and/or installation operations you define in the wizard are performed on all of the doc-
uments you select here.
l If you want to install the documents on one or more printers, place a checkmark next to each printer you want to send
to in the Select printers screen. Refer to Install a Document for the Send to Printer settings. Click Next >>.
l In PlanetPress Suite Workflow, select any PlanetPress Workflow workstation where you want to send the doc-
ument(s). Refer to Install a Document for the Send to PlanetPress Workflow settings. Click Next >>.
l In PlanetPress iWatch, enter the host of any iSeries printer where you want to send the document(s). Refer to Install a
Document for the Send to PlanetPress iWatch settings. Click Next >>.
l In Send, a list of operations will appear. Click Next >> to start the Batch Send To process.
PlanetPress Design performs the batch conversion and/or installation you defined in the wizard, displaying status mes-
sages as it progresses through the operations.
l Click Finishto exit the wizard. The Batch Send To window disappears and returns to PlanetPress Design.
Batch Send To does not support sending to BrightQ hosts. To send to a BrightQhost, see Install a Document.
Print a Document without Data
To print a document without the sample data file:
1. Locate the PP7 file for the document you want to exclude.
2. If the document contains dynamic images that reference external images, verify it can access those images from the
new location. If necessary, perform the necessary steps to make those images available to the document in its new
3. Copy the PP7 file to the new location.
Related topics:
l "Converted Document" (page 695)
l "PP7 File" (page 697)
l "PTK File" (page 698)
l "PTZ File" (page 698)
l "Optimization" (page n)
Document Output and Preview
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