
Table Of Contents
Keyboard Shortcuts
This appendix provides a complete list of all keyboard shortcuts available in PlanetPress Design6. Most Common User Access
(CUA) shortcuts, the shortcuts available on most personal computers, also work in PlanetPress Design6. Where a CUA short-
cut conflicts with a PlanetPress Design shortcut, the PlanetPress Design shortcut takes precedence.
PlanetPress Design General
"Exit PlanetPress Design" (page 685)
"Use the Help System" (page 685)
"Adjust the Zoom" (page 688)
"Show or Hide Areas of the Program Window" (page 686)
"Work with Hierarchies" (page 686)
"Work in the Document Structure Area" (page 686)
"Work with Documents" (page 686)
"Preview and Install Documents" (page 687)
"Work with Pages" (page 687)
"Use Basic Editing Commands" (page 688)
"Work in the Data Pane" (page 688)
"Work with the Data File" (page 689)
"Work with Data Selections" (page 689)
"Work with Objects" (page 690)
"Work in the Text Properties of a Text Object" (page 691)
"Use the Hex Viewer" (page 689)
Exit PlanetPress Design
Use: To:
CTRL+Q Quit PlanetPress Design.
Use the Help System
Use: To:
F1 Display the online help manual.
Keyboard Shortcuts
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