
Table Of Contents
Debug Code
Use: To:
F5 Add or remove a breakpoint at the line indicated by the current pointer position.
CTRL+F7 Display the Evaluate dialog box in order to evaluate an expression, edit the value of a variable, or create a spy.
CTRL+F5 Create a spy.
Print the Script
Use: To:
CTRL+P Print the contents of the Code area.
Converted Document
A converted document is the final format of a document in PlanetPress Design: a PostScript program. A single document can
contain pages destined to execute on a printer, pages destined to execute in PlanetPress Image, and pages destined to
execute in PlanetPress Fax. For discussion purposes, we refer to each of these as an output type. When PlanetPress Design or
a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool converts a document, it converts it for only one type of output at a time: printer, Plan-
etPress Image, or PlanetPress Fax.
PlanetPress Design converts a document automatically when you preview it on-screen, or install it on a printer or in Plan-
etPress Design iWatch. It uses the information in the document’s PP7 file to generate the PostScript code of the converted doc-
If you install a document in a PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tool, PlanetPress Design uses the information in the documents PP7
file to generate a PlanetPress Talk version of the document, a PTK file, that it then installs in a PlanetPress Suite Workflow
Tool. The PTK file contains all of the information PlanetPress Suite Workflow Tools require to generate the PostScript code for
any output type. When you execute a PlanetPress Suite process that references the document PlanetPress Suite Workflow
Tools use the PTK file to generate the PostScript code for the specific output type.
You can also manually convert a document that executes on a printer.
The file name extension on a converted document indicates the type of output it produces.
Extension: Indicates:
PS The converted document produces printer output.
The converted document produces PlanetPress Image output. The converted document in this case includes Post-
Script code to generate the PDI file PlanetPress Search uses to search archives created by PlanetPress Image.
PSF The converted document produces PlanetPress Fax output.
The font information included in a converted document depends on the type of output the document produces. If it produces
PlanetPress Image or PlanetPress Fax output, the converted document contains font information for all fonts that the doc-
ument uses. If it produces printer output, it consults the PPD you selected in the Document properties dialog box, and includes
font information only for fonts that the document uses that are not printer-resident.
About Documents
A document is essentially anything such as an invoice, financial statement, monthly report, brochure, booklet, cheque, form
letter, catalogue, price list, graybar report, survey, shipping label, cheque, insurance policy, tax return, bank statement,
receipt, notice, price list, and direct mail material.
Keyboard Shortcuts
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