
Table Of Contents
A single JOB can be composed of GROUPS of DOCUMENTS, which themselves are composed of physical PAGES produced by
executing a PlanetPress Design document on one or more DATAPAGES.
Metadata Elements
Each metadata node (i.e. Job, Group, Document, etc.) is described with a series of elements, that is, system-defined attributes
or user-defined fields holding static or dynamic information about the node they are attached to. Each element has a name and
a value. More specifically, here is a definition of these 2 types of elements:
Attribute: A read-only, system-defined element which holds a certain information about a certain node from the Metadata
structure. This information can be static (e.g. the size of a physical page) or evaluated on-the-fly (e.g. the number of doc-
uments in a group). Attributes are non-repetitive (i.e. name is unique) and does not persist through metadata recreation.
Field: A read-write, user-defined element which hold custom information about a certain node from the metadata structure.
Fields are repetitive (i.e. the same field may appear multiple times) and persist through metadata recreation.
In addition to attributes and fields, each node of type group, document or datapage have a boolean property called selected
that indicates whether or not to produce the pages under that node. By default, this property is set to true for all nodes.
Metadata Attributes Reference
Here is a description of the Metadata attributes. The attributes are categorized as either Production, Finishing or Index/Count.
Production attributes describe the production of the job and/or metadata (e.g. path and name of the datafile, date at which
metadata was created, etc.)
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