User's Manual

12. Con¿guration
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Resume Play Options
• Resume once ready
This is set by default. The radio will resume playing the last played station when it is power
on the next time.
• Stay at home
Choose this option if you want the radio to stay on the Home screen without playing
anything when it is power on the next time.
You can set the backlight level for the display as you prefer. There are two settings:
Mode and Level
• Mode - Normal or Power Saving
Normal - the display will stay with the same level of brightness all the time without dim
Dim - the display will dim down after 20 seconds if no operation is made on the radio.
• Level - Bright and Dim
Bright - This is to adjust the level of brightness in Normal mode.
Dim - This is to adjust the level of brightness in Dim mode.
• Dimmer in Standby (Standby is only enabled when power is connected)
The display brightness in standby mode can be adjusted manually by turning the rotary
will stay with the dim value as set in Configuration.
Various music genres can be set.
Buffer Time
Sometimes you may experience uneven playback of the internet radio. This can happen if
the internet connection is slow or network congestion occurs. To help improving the
situation, you can choose longer buffer time to get a few seconds of radio stream before
beginning to play.
The default value is 2 seconds. You can choose 5 seconds if you prefer to have a longer
buffering time.
To access quickly to this information, press the [Info] button on the remote control.
When you use your PC to manage the My favorite stations, \RXKDYHWRXVHWKH,P
address and you can view this info from here. 7KHQW\SHLQWKH,P address Configuration >
,QIR!1HWZRUN!,P ) to your PC's browser input window.
Software Update
There may be software release to upgrade features of the radio from time to time.
Check the update regularly to keep your radio up to date with the latest software.
Reset to Default
You can do the reset to clear all the settings and return to default settings.
** Please note all the Station presets, Settings and configuration will be erased after
you have performed the Reset.