User's Manual

When mounting multiple sensors note that each sensor behaves like an individual unit with the data
output with respect to the center of the sensor. Multiple orientations are possible if the above
consideration is followed. Note the rotation and translation of the physical mounted sensors and
adjust the radar data to the center of the vehicle as required. The figure below shows one installation
scenario. In this case the sensors are installed at the four corners of the vehicle at 45 degrees with
respect to the direction of motion of the vehicle. A fifth sensor is installed at the center facing the
direction of motion. More information on how to measure the rotation and translation of the sensors
can be found under section 8.2.
4.8 Manual Alignment
The EAGLE sensor needs to be manually adjusted along all 3 planes. Misalignment can be a
result of many factors such as static deviations due to sensor and mechanical fixture tolerance, and
dynamic deviations in loading and suspension. Variations in temperature and mechanical vibrations
over time could also influence the calibration. The introduction of a secondary surface could also
have an effect.
The user/customer shall determine misalignment via simulation or measurement. The user could
validate the alignment with a simple test as described below.
After mounting the sensor place a corner reflector at 0 degrees in front of the sensor at 4.0m distance
and same height from the ground. Measure the physical range between the center of the sensor and the
center of the corner reflector. Look at the radar data and ensure that the z value equals 4m and the x
and y values equal 0m.
This section briefs the protocol used by Oculii for the transmission of detection and tracker data
frames from the Oculii Radar Sensor.
The Eagle radar sensor outputs the output list (Header + Detections + Tracks + Footer) at the
configured frame rate. The output list is comprised of the Header, Detection information and