User's Manual

- Power: 16 bits, 2 bytes, uint16_t, 0 to 65535, Power value is in dB scale and represents
the signal to noise ratio of the detection. Divide by 100 to decode power. (e.g. 208 =
- Flag: 1 bit, used for decoding. Source code provided in the SDK.
If bit is 0: Use Index 0 accuracy values from the header to obtain range, doppler, alpha
and beta.
If bit is 1: Use Index 1 accuracy values from the header to obtain range, doppler, alpha
and beta.
- Reserved*: 7 bits.
- XYZ: The XYZ coordinates can be retrieved using the following equation:
X = Range * Sin(Alpha) * Cos(Beta)
Y = Range * Sin(Beta)
Z = Range * Cos(Alpha) * Cos(Beta)
Below is a diagram showing the same.