User's Manual

8.1 Note and Scope of Responsibility
This section specifies practices the user should adhere to and the risks operators should
recognize when operating the Oculii Eagle sensor. This device should only be handled by
technical operators with basic technical knowledge. The owner of the sensor module is
responsible for the device and understands and observes the safety notes. If the Eagle sensor is
a part of a larger system, the system manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that all safety
features are practiced. The owner of the device is responsible for ensuring that the device is
used for its intended purpose and for the actions of their employees while operating the
sensor. The owner is also responsible to notify Oculii as soon as the sensor displays any safety
8.2 Operating Risk
i) The system is not defined for free use in safety critical systems. However, it can be
integrated into a system by the user, to adhere to safety regulation systems,
features, or applications.
ii) The user should be aware of falsified information that could occur over time due to
external factors such as mechanical stress, accident, accidental drop, or natural
disasters. The user should thus adopt practices that to measure the data output
periodically and ensure that it meets expected results. The user should also ensure
that any surfaces in the field of view of the sensor are kept clean and metal free. If
the sensor starts displaying false information the user should report the same to
iii) Lack of knowledge or incomplete training of employees operating the sensor could
result in accidents, injury or damage to property, assets, or the environment. Users
should ensure all personnel operating the sensor are equipped with the technical
knowledge and training to do so.
iv) When deploying multiple sensors ensure that there is no falsified information that is
present, either from the interruption of the radar beams or from interference from
other sensors or electromagnetic radiations from other devices.
v) When installing the sensor ensure that the front plate or any secondary surface in
the field of view is free from the potential accumulation of ice, water or mud films.
vi) Ensure that the power supplied is enough to operate the sensor and that the CAN
cable pins are matched to their intended destination.
vii) Ensure that the housing of the sensor develops no scratches or cracks as that can
impact signal integrity and heat transfer properties.