Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
cleaning machine, but not a Steam Cleaner. OdoBan should not be used in
appliances which heat the solution. Carpet cleaning machine vessels and
lines should be rinsed with water before and after using your OdoBan solu-
tion to prevent mixing chemicals from the previous use.
Q. Can OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) be used on car up-
holstery and carpets? Yes – the same as upholstery or carpets in homes.
Allow to dry before sitting on treated fabric.
Q. Can OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) be sprayed on pet
bedding? Yes. Allow to dry before allowing pets to use treated surfaces.
However, the most eective and long-lasting odor control will be accom-
plished if the bedding material is washed after a 10-minute soak in OdoBan
diluted to 32 ounces per gallon of water.
Q. Can OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) be used in the laun-
dry and, if so, how much? Yes. 4-8 ounces per load during the nal rinse
to deodorize oensive odors.
Q. Does OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) act as a fabric
softener when used in the laundry? Yes. OdoBan Odor Eliminator has
similar chemical properties as fabric softener and just like other softeners,
OdoBan is not for use on childrens sleepwear or other garments labeled as
ame resistant, as it may reduce ame resistance.
Q. Can OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) be used in shoes?
Yes. If the shoes are water-safe, spray shoes with 2 - 4 ounces per gallon
dilution. However, if a more serious attack method is needed to eliminate
the odor, wash the shoes after a 10-minute soak in OdoBan diluted to 32
ounces per gallon of water. Always allow to dry thoroughly before wearing.
Q. Can OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) be used for the Ath-
letes Foot Fungus” in shoes? Our label directions are for deodorizing
shoes. Since shoes are not always hard and non-porous, we cannot make a
disinfection claim. It would be better said, “OdoBan is an eective fungicide
against Trichophyton mentagrophytes (the athletes foot fungus) when
used on surfaces in areas such as locker rooms, dressing rooms, shower and
bath areas, and exercise facilities.
Q. Can you spray “dry clean only clothing with OdoBan (The
Original Odor Eliminator)? No. Do not use on any surface, which is not
Q. Can OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) be used on skunk
odor? Yes. It may be used on porous surfaces such as upholstery, drapes,
carpet, and hard non-porous water-safe surfaces. Do Not use on animals.
Q. Will OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) hurt a garden? No.
However, this is not an EPA approved use pattern.
Q. Can you spray OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) on arti-
cial and live plants? Yes. You may use on articial plants made of plastic.
Silk owers may not be water-safe. OdoBan use-solutions should not harm
live plants but intentional use on live plants is not an EPA approved use
Q. Can OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) be used in septic
tanks and holding tanks? Yes. OdoBan is a disinfectant, therefore over-
use may disrupt anaerobic bacterial digestion in a septic tank. Normally
use-levels of less than one quart for each 300 gallons of waste ow is
considered safe for a septic tank.
Q. Can OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) be poured into a
commode or basin? Yes.
Q. Can you use OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) in porta-pot-
ties (portable chemical toilets)? Yes. Cover bottom of tank with water
and add 3-6 oz of OdoBan. Add additional 1 – 2 oz as needed.
Q. Can you use OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) on an air
conditioner lter (i.e. spray to deodorize through the a/c vents)?
Yes. A/C blower unit should be o when spraying lter to avoid breathing
spray mist.
Q. Can OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) be used in a refrig-
erator to help deodorize? Yes - use diluted @ 3-5 oz. per gallon. Higher
concentrations should be avoided. Dilutions over 5 oz. per gallon may cause
plastics to swell allowing OdoBan to penetrate making it dicult to rinse.
Note: Food contact surfaces should be rinsed with water.
Q. Can OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) be stored in a dish
used in the kitchen area (i.e. Tupperware)? Not Recommended. A
couple of reasons why this is not recommended are: 1. A container may be
used for food purposes without proper cleaning. 2. Children or pets may try
to drink liquid left in food containers. Note: Some plastic containers may be
damaged by concentrated OdoBan. Additional Note: OdoBan should not be
stored Styrofoam containers.
Q. Can you use OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) on walls and
ooring, will OdoBan (The Original Odor Eliminator) eat (damage)
paint or nish? OdoBan will not damage water-safe items when used
as directed. (i.e. concentrated OdoBan may damage some plastic or vinyl
Q. What is pH? All water-based solutions can be measured for their pH.
The pH scale, which runs numerically from 0 to 14, is used to indicate
whether a solution is acid or alkaline. On this scale, a solution that has a
pH from 0 to 6.9 is considered to be an acid. A solution that measures from
7.1 up to 14 on the pH scale is considered to be basic (or alkaline) in nature.
A pH of 7.0 is neutral. The pH of OdoBan is approximately neutral, and its
use-solutions are noncorrosive to plastic, vinyl, synthetics, enamel, tile and
most common metals.
Q. I’m not sure what dilution ratio to use when the instructions
are given in a range? In the beginning, it is always best to use the
least amount of OdoBan necessary for a particular application. Use higher
concentrations only when you need it.