Operation Manual

4 Operation
4.1 Music Mode
Selecting a track: Tilt the menu button forwards
or back to select the required track.
Playback: Press the main switch to play the track
played. The track information (ID3 tag) is scrolled
on the LCD.
Setting the volume: Press or hold the respective
volume control button (+, -) to raise or lower the
Navigating forwards and back: Tilt and hold the menu button forwards or
back during playback to skip forwards or back within the track. If you tilt the
menu button briefly forwards or back, playback skips to the next or the previous
Pausing and switching the MP3 player off: Press the main switch briefly
to pause playback, or press the main switch for approx. one second to stop
playback and switch off the MP3 player. When you switch the MP3 player on
again, you can continue exactly from the position the track stopped playing.
Replay (A-B repeat)
This function allows you to repeat a specific section of a music file by setting the starting
and finishing point of the section during playback.
To do so, select the “Replay” function in the playback menu. A small “A-B”
symbol appears in the LCD. The letter “A” flashes.
Tilt the menu button to the right (forwards) once to set the starting point.
The letter “B” starts to flash.
Tilt the menu button to the right (forwards) again once to set the finishing point.
The section set is then repeated the amount of time set in the “Replay Times”
function described below. At this point you can stop the “Replay” function by
pressing the menu button briefly.
4.2 Record mode (voice recording)
Your MP3 player can also be used as a digital dictaphone. This allows you to record
important ideas or thoughts when away from home, so you don’t forget them. Proceed as
follows to save a voice recording: