User's Manual

The Automator
Erasing Mistakes
You can erase an individual button with a learned
command, a macro or a favorite channel. You can
erase an entire Device’s learned command or macro
buttons. You can also erase ALL your learned com-
mands on all devices or all your macros or favs every-
where. You cannot erase a pre-programmed button,
but you can replace one by teaching a command.
If you really want a fresh start, you can even erase
everything (including all your pre-programmed buttons).
Erasing Learned Buttons, Macros or Favs
Enter the SET UP mode by pressing and holding
MAIN and ENT. As usual, you have 30 seconds.
Press the PAGE UP button to display page two of
Set Up.
Press the ERASE button.
Press either the LEARN, MACRO or FAV button.
The following screen appears:
Erases all of the specified (Learned, Macro or
FAV) buttons everywhere in the Automator.
Erases all Learned or Macro buttons in a Device
(this option doesn’t appear for FAVS)
Erases one button only.