Fifty Six manual

Construction Manual Page 11
from the flat of the building board
to tips of the trailing edges, they
should be the same distance
(giving you a nice, horizontal stab).
If adjustment is needed, lightly
sand the taller fuselage side to
lower the higher side.
Once satisfied with the positioning,
glue this in place. Again, use the
proper amount of glue, but NOT
too much as a little extra weigh there makes a huge difference when
balancing the model later on. Slower curing CA, aliphatic resin and/or
carpenter’s is a better choice here.
nStep 73 - Fuse Assembly (TW1)
Locate TW1 from LP1. This is a tailskid
which is glued in place on the bottom
of the fuselage, into the cutouts on the
bottom of the fuselage sides. You may
need to slightly pinch the sides together to have things align
nStep 74 - Fuse Assembly (LG2, LG3)
Locate LG2 from LP1 and three LG3s
from LP1, LP2, LP4. Make a LP3 stack by
gluing the three LP3s on top of each other.
Make sure they are perfectly aligned and
are properly aligned to each other so the pre-cut holes line up
perfectly. Then glue LG2 in place on top of this assembly. Note that
LG2 has an arrow engraved in it to designate the edge that should
face the nose of the fuselage.
nStep 75 - Fuse Assembly (LG2, LG3)
The LG2, LG3 assembly is now
attached inside the bottom of the
fuselage. First, dry fit it and you’ll
probably need to lightly sand the
sides. Refer to this photo for the
proper orientation. LG2 should
be flush with the fuselage sides,
up-against the rear of F4 and the
extra length of LG2 will extend under the BS sheeting supporting
it. Once you’ve figured this out, glue this in position, using a bit of
epoxy for strength.
nStep 76 - Fuse Assembly (LG1)
Locate LG1 from LP3. This is glued
to the surface of LG2. Note the
engraved arrow in LG1, that should
face the nose, as shown in this photo.
Glue it place, making sure it is aligned
side to side, and the holes all line up.
nStep 77 - Fuse Assembly (lower, front sheeting)
Locate the uncut sheet of 3/32"
balsa. This is used to form the lower
fuselage sheeting. This is done a
piece at a time, starting at the front
of the LG1 and extending to the
bottom of F1.
Hold the sheeting against the
fuselage, making sure the grain is cross-ways. Mark, cut and glue a
portion of the sheeting in position. Repeating this technique, work
your way forward until you almost reach F1. The final piece will
need trimmed for length and width.
nStep 78 - Fuse Assembly (hatch sanding)
Locate H1 from BP13, This is the hatch and you’ll notice that it
tapers to follow the curvature of the fuselage sides. Also, the
leading edge has the right-thrust angle cut into it. We’ve purposely
made it slightly oversized so it can be sanded smooth with the
fuselage sides and top, however, the only sanding to worry about
right now is the front edge. It will need to be sanded a bit for
length, and a bit to add an angle matching the downthrust of the
firewall. Do this a little at a time so that the hatch will easily fit into
the area between the firewall and F3. It shouldn’t be loose, but
also not a tight fit as you’ll need to account for covering you’ll be
adding later.
nStep 79 - Fuse Assembly (hatch notch cutouts)
Use a hobby knife to cut a notch on each
side of the fuselage just in front of F3.
These notches are already pre-cut into
the inner plywood box, but need to be
cut into the fuselage sides. We don’t to
this in our laser-cutting to give a bit more
support to that small piece of balsa that
makes up the front of the wing saddle area.
nStep 80 - Fuse Assembly (H2, H3)
Locate H2 and H3 from LP5.
Lay H3 across the notch you just
cutout in the fuselage, making
sure it’s centered and correctly
oriented to the slightly shorter
side faces the firewall. Put a
couple drops of glue on the
top surface of it, then carefully
position the H1 in place on the fuselage to glue the two pieces
together. Make sure H1 is centered side-to-side on the fuselage.
When glued in place, remove H1, then it’s time to attach H2. Note
that H2 has a small circle engraved to designate the starboard side,
and the front edge of this piece. It should now be glued to the
underside of H1, as shown in this photo. Centered side to side.
nStep 81 - Fuse Assembly (magnets)
Inside the tank/battery area, you'll see 4 pre-cut holes in the
plywood side-frames - two on the port side, two on the starboard.
Place a drop of glue inside one of the holes, then push in a magnet
- making sure it is completely flush the plywood side frame, but
take care that you don't damage the outer balsa skin. Do the same
for the other 3 pre-cut holes in this area.
Don't worry about positive/negative poles and attraction - that's
in the next step.
nStep 82 - Fuse Assembly (H4)
Locate the 4 H4s from LP4. Push one magnet into each H4's pre-
cut hole. Make sure the magnets completely pushed in - flush on
both sides.