User manual

OLIMEX© 2013 OLIMEXINO-328 user's manual
connector or jumper wires to be able to connect your AVR programmer tool.
Please make sure you are not trying to use TPI or PDI interface with the ICSP pads.
If your programmer has only 10 pin ICSP cable you would need to use jumper wires or adapter to
be able to connect to the 6 pin interface.
5.6 Jumper description
The pictures below show the default jumper position. Note that the board has only SMT jumpers
which require soldering to close the jumper; and melting the solder plus cutting between the pads to
disconnect the jumper.
5.6.1 USB_RST jumper
When closed USB_RST jumper enables USB auto-reset function. After reset the bootloader is
started and loads the program into the Flash.
Default state is closed.
5.6.2 LED1_E jumper
When closed LED1_E, connects LED1 to D13(SCK) line.
Default state is closed.
5.6.2 D7/D10 jumper
When D7/D10 jumper is closed in position D7 – UEXT pin 10 (UEXT_CS) is connected to
Atmega328P pin 11 (PD7) – signal D7, when this jumper is closed in position D10 - UEXT pin 10
(UEXT_CS) is connected to Atmega328P pin 14 (PB2/#SS) – signal D10(3SS).
Default state is closed in position D7.
5.7 LEDs and buttons:
Status LED with name LED1 (green) connected via jumper LED1_E to ATmega328P pin 17
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