Operation Manual

General Information
S button Switch the unit on or to Standby mode
S [Menu] button The main menu appears
S button Play/Pause
S button Playback of the current recording is stopped
S button Play the previous track /
(press and hold) fast rewind
S button Play the next track /
(press and hold) fast forward
S [MUTE] button Mute the speakers
S / button Set the volume
S All the data available concerning a track is displayed while the
recording is being played.
This can include the total length of the recording, the length
already played, title, artist, album, etc.
S If song lyrics to the track being played are available, they can be
displayed by pressing the [INFO] button. Use the /
buttons to scroll through the text.
Input via the remote control
Button Function
[OK] Confirm input/selection
Delete a character
Change character: 09, az, AZ, special characters
Change character: 09, az, AZ, special characters
Skip one position to the left
Skip one position to the right
1 1 . / _ ! @ # $ % ^ & * : ; ’ ” / \ ( ) [ ] { } Space
2 2 abc ABC
3 3 def DEF
4 4 ghi GHI
5 5 jkl JKL
6 6 mno MNO
7 7 pqrs PQRS
8 8 tuv TUV
9 9 wxyz WXYZ
0 0