User's Manual

• If a battery pack is leaking, take care that the liquid does not
come in contact with your skin or eyes. If liquid enters the
eye, do not rub it; immediately rinse with clean water, then
consult a physician. Failure to take appropriate action may
result in injury.
• If recharging is not completed after the given recharging time,
do not continue recharging. Excessive heat, release of
smoke, explosion, and/or a fire may result.
• Do not place the battery pack in a microwave or a
high-pressure cooker. Rapid heating or breaking of the
battery pack’s seal may result in excessive heat, release of
smoke, explosion, and/or a fire. In this case, the battery pack
may be damaged. Do not use this battery pack and replace it
with a new one.
• If the operator notices a leak or an abnormal odor from the
battery pack, immediately remove it from any heat source in
the vicinity. The electrolytic solution may ignite, causing
release of smoke, explosion, and/or a fire. Do not use this
battery pack, and replace it with a new one.
• If the operator notices an abnormal odor, excessive heat,
change of color, deformation, or other abnormalities during
use, recharging, or storage of the battery pack, immediately
remove the battery pack from the recorder unit, and do not use the battery
pack. Continued use of the battery pack may result in excessive heat,
release of smoke, explosion, and/or a fire. Use a new battery pack instead.
• Any ancillary diagnostic tests or examinations (e.g. upper GI
endoscopy and colonoscopy) required prior to or in
conjunction with this device should be performed at the
physician’s discretion.
• Do not use the capsule endoscope after its expiration date
because the life of the battery may be insufficient to perform
the entire exam. The expiration date is placed on the label of
the capsule endoscope storage case (see page 2).
• To prevent the capsule endoscope battery from deteriorating,
store the capsule endoscope within a temperature range of 0
– 25°C (32 – 77°F). Do not store the capsule endoscope in a
refrigerator or a freezer because condensation may occur
inside the cover dome.
•Avoid long term use or storage at temperatures exceeding 40°C (104°F).
Battery pack performance may deteriorate rapidly under these conditions.
•Avoid long term use at temperatures below 0°C (32°F). In case of long
term use at temperatures below 0°C (32°F), you should not start the