Use Instructions

3. Select the [Calibrate transmission overlay observation methods] (bright
field) check box.
4. Put in a customer fluorescent sample which contains stainings for all fluor-
escent filters that should be calibrated. Use at least the 20x objective, but
preferably the 40x objective.
5. Navigate to an area with high contrast and focus. Then click the [Next] but-
ton to start the acquisition process.
6. Once the image has been acquired, the [Calibrate channel XY-shift] tool
window opens. The shift between the individual channels is corrected
manually here.
The visibility of the channels can be changed by activating/deactivating
the eye icon next to the channel name.
7. Click on a channel e.g. FITC to activate it and then use the cursor key to
move the FITC image around pixel by pixel to match the structure of the
underlying DAPI image.
8. Proceed with the other channels the same way.
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Instructions for use
21 Additional calibrations for a fluorescence system
OLYMPUS VS200 System