Quick Reference Guide

Mode dial
Mode dial and direct button functions
Shutter priority shooting
Allows you to set the shutter speed manually. The camera sets the aperture
automatically. Set the shutter speed according to the subject and the type of
effect you want.
“Shutter priority shooting” (P.92)
Manual shooting
Allows you to set the aperture and shutter speed manually. To check the
exposure, refer to the exposure differential. This mode gives you more
creative control, allowing you to make the settings you need to get the type of
picture you want, regardless of optimum exposure.
“Manual shooting” (P.93)
Aperture (F-number) is
Aperture (F-number) is
Setting the shutter speed
higher lets you capture fast-
moving action without blur.
The subject will be clear and
sharp, as if it is not moving.
Setting the shutter speed
lower blurs a moving subject,
giving the impression of