Quick Reference Guide

Mode dial
Mode dial and direct button functions
My Mode
Allows you to save your favorite settings as your own personal mode and use
these customized settings when taking pictures. Current settings can also be
saved for retrieving by this mode. “MY MODE SETUP” (P.172)
“Using My Mode” (P.95)
Situation-related modes
Movie record
Allows you to record movies. The camera sets the aperture and shutter speed
automatically. The camera maintains the correct focus and exposure even if
the distance between your subject and the camera changes (when the
FULLTIME AF is on (factory default setting)).
“Recording movies” (P.48)
Night Scene shooting
Suitable for shooting pictures in the evening or at night. The camera sets a
slower shutter speed than is used in normal shooting. For example, if you
take a picture of a street at night in mode, the lack of brightness will result
in a dark picture with only dots of light. In the Night Scene shooting mode, the
true appearance of the street is captured. The camera automatically selects
the optimal settings for this type of shooting condition. Since the shutter
speed is slow, make sure you stabilize the camera by using a tripod.