Microcassette Recorder User Manual

Table of contents
File search display operations of the
[Recorder] folder ..................................... 55
Opening the file search display from the
[Music] folder .......................................... 57
File search display operations of the
[Music] folder .......................................... 58
Erasing ................................................... 61
Erasing from the file display .........................61
Erasing from the file list display ................... 62
Erasing all files in a folder ............................ 63
Erasing a folder............................................. 64
Partially erase a file ...................................... 65
3 Menu setting
Menu setting method ............................. 66
Making settings from [Preferences]
on the [Home] menu display .................. 66
Performing menu settings during
recording, playback, and stop modes ..... 67
G Rec Menu ................................................ 68
G Play Menu ............................................... 72
G LCD/Sound Menu .....................................75
G File Menu .................................................76
G System Menu .......................................... 77
G Book Menu ............................................. 80
Setting the recording scene [Rec Scene] ...... 82
Timer recording [Timer Rec] ........................ 83
Setting the playback scene [Play Scene] ...... 86
Guidance [Voice Guide] ................................ 87
Alarm playback function [Alarm] ................. 89
Moving/Copying files [File Move/Copy] ....... 93
Dividing files [File Divide] ............................ 95
Changing the USB class [USB Settings] ........ 96
Formatting the recorder [Format] ............... 97
Schedule settings [Audio Diary] .............. 99
Displaying the calendar................................ 99
Switching the calendar display .................... 99
Operations at the calendar display ............ 100
Add a schedule ............................................101
Registering a voice memo .......................... 104
Playing audio files from the
schedule list display .............................. 106
Editing the schedule....................................107
Deleting a schedule .................................... 108
Deleting a voice memo ............................... 109
Formatting the schedule .............................111
Viewing images (For DM-4) ....................112
Importing images .......................................112
Viewing images ...........................................113
Erasing a images .........................................114
Using voice recognition (For DM-4) .........116
Using voice control ......................................116
Using voice commands ................................117
Importing DAISY contents ......................118