
Settings relating to FM radio
[ Auto-preset ]
( P.49)
Automatically adds
receivable stations to the
preset stations.
[ Scan Level ]
( P.67)
Allows you to set the scan
sensitivity for auto preset.
[ Output ]
( P.67)
Allows you to set the audio
output of the FM radio.
FM radio mode operations
To stop FM radio reception, press
the LIST button to go to the [ Home ]
display. From the [ Home ] display, you
can change to a different mode.
2 Presetting radio stations.
Presetting radio stations
Automatically preset stations to
make it easy to tune. For details,
see “ Registering radio stations
automatically [ Auto-preset ]
( P. 4 9).
FM radio mode operations
1 Set to [
FM Radio
] mode ( P.25).
Change the mode to [ FM Radio ].
The volume can be adjusted within
the range of [ 00 ] to [ 30 ].
You can also select a station which
has not been preset. For details, see
Changing the reception mode
( P. 50).
4 Press the
button to adjust
the volume.
For WS-813:
Adding a radio station to the preset
Change the reception mode to
manual reception, and adjust the
frequency. The station you are tuned
to can then be added ( P. 50, P. 51).
3 Press the 9 or 0 button to
select a station.
You can select a preset station.
9 0 button
Plug in the earphones