
Symptom Possible Causes Corrective Action
Application does not extend, move
or respond to pressurized uid
• Overload condition
• Loose couplers
• Faulty couplers
• Pump malfunction
• Inadequate air supply
• Remedy overload condition
• Tighten couplers
• Replace couplers
• Contact service center
• Ensure air source can dedicate
7.8 CFM @ 110~175 PSI
Application responds to pressurized
uid, but system does not maintain
• Overload condition
• Pump or valve malfunction
Application/connection leaking
• Remedy overload condition
• Contact Service Center
• Replace application/connection
Application responds slower than
• Loose connection or coupler
• Restricted hydraulic line or tting
Application/connection leaking
• Tighten connection or coupler
• Clean and replace if damaged
• Replace application/connection
Application does not return uid to
pump (i.e. cylinder will not retract)
• Malfunctioning coupler, dam-
aged application
• Secure load by other means. Depressurize
pump and hose, remove coupler and/or
application, then renew or replace
Application does not fully extend
(cylinder or spreader)
• Fluid level in pump is low • Secure load by other means. Depressurize
pump and hose, remove application, then ll
uid to proper level
Poor performance • Fluid level in pump is low • Ensure proper uid level