Installation Manual

Installation Manual
Document: 677-A0219_IM issue 1.4
Page 51 of 61 Load/Save Configuration
The Configuration of the terminal can be saved for backup purposes. By clicking on the Save
configuration button, the configuration is generated as an
file and listed as available on the web
interface. Click on the Download configuration button to save the configuration to disk. Click on the
button to delate the configuration from memory.
Figure 8-44: Save Terminal Configuration
The configuration from a previously saved settings file can be uploaded to the Terminal by clicking on the
Load configuration button.
Note: Before saving or loading a configuration file, ensure that any Packet data Connections are
disconnected and AT_ITINS data to the User Terminal are stopped. Tracking Settings
The menu option controls whether remote control of tracking is enabled or not.
Figure 8-45: Enable Remote Tracking