User's Manual

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2. Kill
The UPDATE command is also used to initialize
a tag. 3 parameters must be specified in SET
Clause. The first is 'killed' flag, the second is
password for the tag and the last is id of the tag.
The structure of an UPDATE command is the
same as ID Write.
Example : To lock tag id of a 64-bit EPC tag:
UPDATE tag_id SET killed=1,
password=0x88, id=0x1234567890ABCDEF
WHERE protocol=’EPC1’ AND antenna_id=1;
The reader returns the tag_id if the kill operation
was successful. For example the response is as
If succeeded, the response of kill command is all
If the operation is failed, "Error 0102: Error
performing query<LF><LF>" returned.
Example : To lock tag id of a 96-bit EPC tag:
UPDATE tag_id SET killed=1,password=0x88,
id=0x1234567890ABCDEF12345678 WHERE
protocol=’EPC1’ AND antenna_id=1;
The reader returns the tag_id the same way as 64-
bit tag.
Note: The format of the tag data in the command
must much the selected protocol or an error will
result. (See section 1.6)
For example :
- A 64 bit EPC1 tag requires 16 hexadecimal digits
- A 96 bit EPC1 tag requires 24 hexadecimal digits
Note: You must send this command to only one tag
at one time in the stable communication area.
Note: Response data always contains 2 separators
in front of the tag ID.
Note: After sending this command, you must send
an ID read command and confirm no ID data is sent
as a response.
Table5 : Table Schema - Kill Tag
Keyword Entry Table Arguments Range Example
UPDATE tag_id - - - -
Tag id database
table (Fixed)
killed tag_id Int 1 1
Can be specified
with only “1”
password tag_id Hex Streing [0x00...0xFF] 0x88
Specifies the
password set to the
tag in advance.
id tag_id Hex String - 0xFEDC
Specifies the tag id
to be updated
antenna_id tag_id Int [1...4] 1
Specifies the
antenna used to
update a tag
protocol_id tag_id String 'EPC1' 'EPC1'
Specifies the
protocol used to
update a tag.
Must be uppercase.