User guide

Preparations for Use
7 Apply Pressure to the Cuff
1 When you press the start button, the pump
operates and pressure is applied When
the pressure reaches 170mmHg, the
pump stops automatically
2 When the appropriate pressure has been
reached, the air is automatically released
and the value on the display window
starts to decrease After a while when the
artery oscillations are detected, the ( )
symbol starts ashing and the unit emits
a beep-ing sound simultaneously The
value shown on the display will continue
to fall
* During measurement, do not shake
the cuff or the air tube
Depress the START
button continuously
untill the cuff is inated
up to the targeted
After the cuff has
been inated,
release the START
* If your systolic blood pressure is higher
than 140mmHg, the pump starts again and
the cuff will be inated up to 210mmHg
* If your systolic blood pressure is higher
than 180mmHg, sufcient ination will
not be applied to the cuff by automatic
reination In this case, inate up to
30mmHg higher than your expected
systolic blood pressure by pressing the
start button continuouslyWhile press-ing
the start button, the cuff can be in-ated
continuously, and when the start button
is released, the pump stops and the cuff
is no longer inated When the pressure
reaches 300mmHg, the cuff deates
* When you want to stop measurememt,
press SPHYG/CLOCK button The pres-
sure will stop and the air is deated rapidly
Pressure being applied
Targetted Blood
Pressure Reached
Indicated Value Drops