User Manual

Safety handbook page - 6-
3.0 Ensure safety
The responsible machine or process designer no longer considers the production
requirements and adds safety systems later, but addresses the two issues as a whole.
Legislation demands that the machine or process design meets the necessary safety
standards and regulations – it is a legal requirement
Different Types of machines will have different levels of associated risk these risk
levels need to addressed for the whole machine life span. In particular the
requirements at the design stage, application / usage stage and destruction of the
Risk assessment according to EN1050 is a series of logical steps that enables
designers and safety engineers to examine in a systematic way the hazards arising
from the use of machinery so that appropriate safety measures can be selected.
3.1 Risk assessment
EN 1050 - Safety of Machinery – Principles for Risk Assessment
The main Objective is to describe a systematic procedure for risk assessment so that
adequate and constant safety measures can be adopted. These are appropriate during
the design, construction, modification, use and destruction of the machine.
The safety of machines can be determined in 5 steps. Documentation of the Risk
assessment process must be kept.
Step 1 Machine Limits
Define the limits of the machinery over all phases of the machine’s life.
Define intended use, correct operation, foreseeable miss use and malfunction.
Define users.
Step 2 Hazard Identification
Identify all risks for potential harm – mechanical, electrical, chemical, physical,
biological, psychological, ergonomic, natural etc.
Identify all interactive risks – access areas, loading areas etc.
Identify hazardous events – machine failure, software failure etc.
Methods of hazard identification include;
Checklists, brainstorming.
Hazard and Operability study (HAZOP).
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FEMA).
Fault tree Analysis (FTA), Accident investigations.
‘What if ‘method.
Method Organised for a Systematic Analysis of Risks (MOSAR).
Step 3 Risk Estimation ( see section 3.3)
Needs to be Documented.
All foreseeable factors must be considered.
Combination of ;
Severity of injury.
Probability of occurrence.