User's Manual

Saturn 8700 Specifications Version 1.3
Confidential & Proprietary Page 5
1 Introduction
The SATURN 8700 is an ultra-compact, certified payment NFC Reader based on oti’s field proven
technology which is specifically designed for payment and mass transit applications. Its compact
design enables easy integration and installation in unattended self-service payment stations, such
as ATMs, AVMs, TVMs, gaming and gambling machines, kiosks, access control gates and more.
The SATURN 8700 supports two SAM slots allowing the reader to access its own or external
security elements such as Mifare Authentication SAM.
The SATURN 8700 is designed to be seated on any counter as an attended reader or alternatively
can be installed as part of an unattended vending or service machine.
Three mounting options are available, PM (Panel Mount), FM (Flush Mount) and CM
(Countertop Mounting), supporting various add-on mounting requirements.
SATURN 8700’s plug-and-play design makes it easy to connect to any existing infrastructure and
POS terminal, quickly upgrading it to contactless operations without disrupting ongoing business
operations. In its USB configuration, the SATURN 8700 is USB powered, this option contributes
to the easy installation and maintenance of the reader.
Figure 1-1: SATURN 8700 (PM)