User's Manual

Saturn User Manual Version 1.00
Jumper & Mode Settings
P/N 1100054F page 4-2
4.5 Normal Operation Jumper Settings
1) Jumpers J1, J3, J4 and J5 should be placed in N position
4.6 Selection of Operating Mode and Baud Rate
The operating system mode and baud rate settings may be changed during operation by
transmitting the following ASCII strings:
1) MODE0 - switches from Host Mode to OEM Mode.
Response M0
2) MODE1 - switches from OEM Mode to Host Mode.
MODE1 Response M1
3) BAUD0 - switches to 9600-baud rate.
BAUD0 Response B0
4) BAUD1 - switches to 19200-baud rate.
BAUD1 Response B1