User's Manual

Polaroid P5005A
functions can be dened as the following: switch to last song
(touch), play/pause and switch to next song (touch)
To delete a song from the SD card
You can delete music from the storage card.Touch & hold a song
in a library list. In the menu that opens, touch Delete.
4.19 People
In the contacts screen, touch menu icon and you can perform
the following operations:
Delete contacts: Select this function, then you can mark the
target contacts. To delete all contacts, you just need to touch
Select all at the top of contacts screen. Last, touch Done and
conrm to delete contacts.
Contacts to display: you can select the contacts on different
group to display.
Import/export: you can import/export the contacts form SIM card
or storage; you can also share the visible contacts.
Accounts: you can sync with your account.
Settings: you can set the display options in this interface.
Send contacts by sms/mms: you can share your visible contacts
via various ways.
4.20 Phone
Touch the Phone icon on the Home screen or in main menu
interface. Three tabs are listed at the top of the screen. Select
the phone tab and you can nd a dial pad screen where you can
input phone number to originate a call.
Note: During a conversation, you can’t originate a new call by
open the dial pad, enter number and press dial key. If you press
dial key, the current conversation would hold.
4.21Play Store
When you rst open
Play store, a guide will display to guide you to use this function.
The Search function enables you to open a search box for
searching your phone and the web.