User's Manual

Onity HT24W / HT28 Smart Hardware 99
Lock Auditor
The ADVANCE RFID, HT RFID and HT Prox lock keeps a record of the last 500
operations. This openings register can be read using the Read Openings function of
the Portable Programmer. The following lists the audits recorded by the lock:
Valid Opening showing the key used (Guest, Master/User, Spare)
Communication with portable programmer
Opening by portable programmer
Handle not Turned
Blocked / Unblocked
Office / End of Office
Guest code change
Master code change
Guest canceling
Master canceling
Spare card programming
Keycards & Tokens
The HTProx system uses contactless memory keycards and tokens which follow the
ISO 14443-B standard. Advance RFID and HT RFID use MiFare-compliant
encoding technologies, which follow ISO 14443-A standard, and is compatible with
Mifare classic Ultralight, 1K, and 4K cards. In the current release, no “write back”
feature is available for the keycard to track usage.